For the very first time Chabad Jewish Centre of Woodbridge is offering the Community of Woodbridge-Kleinburg a "Hebrew Reading Crash Course for Adults" in five sessions!
This is your opportunity to:
*Understand why Hebrew is such a fascinating language.
*Discover the secret behind the holy letters.
*Gain skills, tips and tools how to remember the Alef Bet.
*Be at the same page with your Hebrew School children.
*Follow along with the Rabbi & the Congregation at your local synagogue.
Mondays 8:30-9:30 PM - Beginning July 4th, 2022
Chabad Jewish Centre of Woodbridge - 25 Carling Rd. Woodbridge ON L4H 4P7
(Virtual attendance as an option)
$120 (Subsidized)
Register before June 30th and get a FREE exclusive RIIH App to review and self testing program!