Chanukah at Chabad of WoodbridgeJoin us for a fun Chanukah experience! Chanukah workshos. Public Menorah Lightings, CandyLand Celebration. Latkes and Doughnuts recipes, and so much more!JOIN US HERE
Adult Education - Sushi and SoulWelcome to the course! Together, we'll explore practical ways to deepen our relationships and build meaningful connections. Each session will offer valuable insights and tools to help you bring more harmony and understanding into your life. Looking forward to learning with you!Learn more and sign up!
IMPACT newsletterA Glimpse into the success you created in Woodbridge-Kleinburg. An inspiring LIVE stories and testimonials about REAL impact the Chabad Jewish Centre of Woodbridge have on the community!READ HERE
Chabad Hebrew SchoolChabad Woodbridge Hebrew School offers a friendly and stimulating environment, where children can embrace their Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride.Learn more and register
One-on-One Learning with the RabbiSet up a personal study session with Rabbi Bakshi. Your Topic. Your Taste. Your Time.Contact rabbi bakshi
They translate it as “The Bible,” or “The Law,” but that’s not what the word means. Torah means “instructions.”
Whatever piece of Torah you learn, you must find the instructions it is...
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Mission & vision
Inspired and guided by the leadership and vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Chabad Jewish Centre of Woodbridge is committed to provide the material and spiritual needs of all Jewish individuals and families in Woodbridge, Kleinburg and surroundings - regardless of background or affiliation by providing educational, cultural, and social activities.
How Do We Know That We Heard G‑d at Sinai?The greatest conspiracy theory of all time is materialism. The second greatest conspiracy theory is...Read More