Chabad Hebrew School Logo



A general outline of our Curriculum:

HEBREW READING & LITERACY - Our students learn the Hebrew Aleph-Bet with the vowels, write Hebrew block capitals, as well as cursive Hebrew. Students will also learn to read from the Siddur.

HEBREW VOCABULARY - Our students begin with basic Hebrew words and advance to phrases and conversational Hebrew. 

HOLIDAYS - In addition to teaching the customs and reasons behind the rituals, our holiday curriculum is imbued with the spirit and excitement of our beautiful festivals. Hands-on demonstrations fill the calendar as we advance from Rosh Hashana to the holiday of Shavuot.

JEWISH VALUES - An important component of a Jewish education is the understanding that our religion is based on a G‑d given set of values and ethics. Our students learn about Mitzvot and gain an appreciation for their relevance in the 21st century.

HISTORY - We take our students from Creation to modern-day Israel including Exodus from Egypt, The Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai and the era of the Prophets and Kings. We also focus on Jewish life in medieval times, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust and Jewish Heroes of days gone by.

ARTS & CRAFTS - Our Arts & Crafts have Jewish holiday and Mitzvah themes and will add a touch of elegance to the Jewish decor of your home.

ISRAEL - We are proud to announce that this year, will be unlocking our heritage in the Holy Land ! Students in will be embarking on an adventure of a lifetime, exploring our history as Am Yisroel Chai. 

Join your child as they relive the journey of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, from the time the Jews entered the land led by prophets and kings, until the untimely destruction of the Holy Temples. Discover the secret to our eternal survival with tools that were established to keep Judaism thriving in the Diaspora. Using educational tools such as VR, topography, theater, crafts, STEAM, and film making, this experience is bound to capture the attention of each student.