Dear Friend,
Chabad Jewish Centre of Woodbridge has launched its 5th (!) Annual Jewish Art Calendar Campaign. This upcoming Jewish new year of 5785 (2024-2025), we will produce a beautiful, artistic and colorful calendar which will be mailed to hundreds of homes and businesses throughout Woodbridge, Kleinburg and surroundings areas, free of charge.
Please support our calendar campaign, allowing us to distribute it widely and most importantly strengthen Jewish identity and community throughout the year.
There are four ways you can support the calendar campaign:
1. Advertise your business throughout the Calendar.
2. Dignitaries greetings in an honorable and designated place on the Calendar.
3. Place your families occasions on date of occurrence, i.e. birthdays, anniversaries and Yartzeits/Azkara.
4. NEW FOR THIS YEAR: Add your name at the Shana Tova Greeting page (Cover page). Wish the Community Good & Sweet New Year!
All advertisements & greetings must be submitted by Sunday, September 15 2024. Please respect this deadline as the calendar needs to be ready to send in time for the High Holidays!
Thank you for your participation and partnering with Chabad of Woodbridge for anther bright Jewish year.