
Woodbridge Tanya Dedications

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    The Tanya, also known as Likkutei Amarim or/and Sefer shel Beinonim, is the fundamental text of Chabad Chassidic philosophy, written by the movement’s founder, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi in 1796.

    In 1978,  the Rebbe requested that Tanya should be printed in every place which has a Jewish population.  The Rebbe specified that at least 100 copies should be printed, and that those local Jews actually learn from the freshly imprinted pages. But it was more than just a learning campaign, the Rebbe explained. For if the goal was simply that everyone should study  Tanya, it would have been sufficient to send copies to the Jews of each city and encourage them to study. The Rebbe said the fact that the Tanya was printed in their own hometown would encourage them to explore the text on a much deeper level.

    The campaign to print Tanya's is in essence a mission to complete the work of Hafatzas Hama’ayanos (i.e. spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus) and make the world ready for the coming of Moshiach NOW.

    To date, over seven-thousand editions have been printed, and thousands of people have been touched by the wide-reaching and never-ending endeavor. 

    This year in honour of 28 of Sivan - 80 years for the Rebbe & Rebbetzin safe arrival in America, we're inviting you to take a part in this great initiative, the first ever Tanya Printing in Woodbridge & Kleinburg.

    This participation will surly bring you tremendous blessings for you and your loved ones spiritually & materially. Amen!

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